Mugdhaa Decor
Brand Identity, Web Design, Content Strategy, Marketing
Mugdhaa is an e-commerce platform for traditional and authentic crafts handmade by selected artisans from various corners of the country. Their objective is to bring the best of Indian craftsmanship to the world.
“Deets helped us create an impactful brand and build a professional website, that was both aesthetically appealing and rich in user experience.”
Mugdhaa Team
CEO, Mugdhaa Decor
Problem Statement
Mugdhaa Décor wanted to make an impactful space for itself in the handicraft e-commerce market. They wanted to be associated with their Indian roots and throw the essence around to their audience.
Problem Statement
Mugdhaa Décor wanted to make an impactful space for itself in the handicraft e-commerce market. They wanted to be associated with their Indian roots and throw the essence around to their audience.
Logo, Colour Schemes, Typography
To expand Mugdhaa’s effort we knew that the branding should be on the spot and impactful, especially in the crowded market that it was entering. We designed a minimal theme drawing inspiration from the traditional Indian aesthetic
Website Design
UI Design, E-commerce integrations, Shopify, Content
To expand Mugdhaa’s effort we knew that the branding should be on the spot and impactful, especially in the crowded market that it was entering. We designed a minimal theme drawing inspiration from the traditional Indian aesthetic
Success Expeditions
Designs that delivered above and beyond for our clients.
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