USA Customers please request for PO , Contract from USA office
Message from investors , Lenders
This website was never hacked - please ignore the emails that some of you have been receiving. We are being transparent and will share an update on outcome of the investigation on the misappropriation of funds and embezzlement by the one of the C Executives
We have given close to 25 Lakhs or approximately 30k USD for both US and India Deets(investment, Loans) - office setup , travel from India to USA for TiECon24 , AWE , accomodation to meet clients in USA , Conferences , Software , Marketing ,Infrastructure and others. We will share an update on whats next at Deets! .
*All these were developed by the startup which we invested from june 2023 to june 2024 and whichever is not applicable and didnt have our involvment upon discussion with the Startup in india the clients will be removed . Wherever we were involved will continue to be displayed .